A group of activists with Edward Morello standing in the middle, all are holding Lib Dem orange placards

Your Local Lib Dem Councillors, Candidates & Campaigners

Your Dorset Councillors

Dorset Councillors for Bridport Ward, Dave & Bridget Bolwell, and Sarah Williams at the Dorset Council Local Election Count on the 3rd May 2024. They are stood in front of a Dorset Council graphic.
Sally Holland Stood in front of a Dorset Council Graphic banner. She is wearing a yellow dress and a white cardigan.
Chesil Bank
David Taylor wearing a tan sweater and a yellow tie.
Charminster St. Mary's
Edward Morello wearing a white shirt and navy suit jacket and a Lib Dem Bird Pin Badge, in Dorchester High Street
Neil Eysneck in a green shirt standing next to a gate.
Cllrs Jon Andrews (Left) and Richard Crabb (Right) stood together outside of Sherborne Police Station
Dorset Councillor for Sherborne Rural ward and Sherborne Town Council Councillor, Robin Legg stood in front of a Dorset Council graphic at the Dorset Council Count on the 3rd May 2024
Sherborne Rural
Image of Edward Morello (Left) and Roland Tarr (Right)
Winterborne & Broadmayne
Chris Kippax wearing ared jumper and navy blue suit jacket in Longburton

Your Town Councillors

A group of Bridport & Chesil Bank Liberal Democrat Candidates and Councillors stood with Edward Morello stood outside the Bull Hotel holding 'Liberal Democrats Winning Here' window posters.
Bridport Town Council
Stella Jones, Rory Major and Fiona Kent-Ledger.
Dorchester Town Council
Robin Legg (Left), Jon Andrews (Middle), and Richard Crabb (Right) in Sherborne
Sherborne Town Council

Edward Morello Stood in front of Liberal Democrat Stake Boards

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to fuel our campaigns

Edward Morello talking to an elderly couple

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