New Leader
The Liberal Democrat Group on Leicester City Council have chosen a new leader.
The Liberal Democrat Group on Leicester City Council have chosen a new leader.
A Conservative MP who said the number of disabled parking spaces across the UK was "disproportionate" has come under fire from a motorists' group. Douglas Campbell, of disabled transport group Mobilise, branded Anthony Steen a "pompous oaf" over the comments.
Shepway Lib Dems have welcomed a Home Office U-turn on a previous decision to deny access to the UK for an 84 year old Gurkha hero who won the VC fighting for Britain. Tul Bahadur Pun currently lives in Nepal, but wants to come to the UK for medical treatment. He has heart problems, asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure and requires daily medication - which is not always available in Nepal.
Shepway Lib Dems are stepping up their campaign to keep the Main Post Office in Folkestone. Since the announcement of intended transfer to WHSmith in Sandgate Road over 400 petition slips have been returned from local people, with more signing an on-line petition.
Liberal Democrat Voice - www.libdemvoice.org - is an independent Lib Dem opinion, news and information site for Liberal Democrats. There is a members only forum to allow private discussion, as well public news and comment areas.
The Lib Dems have drawn up a report on Ruth Kelly, measuring her against her own objectives, and say she has fallen "woefully short" of what was required. The "bungled" home information packs and lack of affordable homes and council tax reform are highlighted. The Lib Dems say they have measured Ms Kelly against her own pledges for the department, made in a letter to Tony Blair in July 2006. These included greater home ownership, an increase in housing supply, tackling climate change and a sustainable local government finance system.