The sustainable cities index. ranking the largest 20 UK cities
How do UK cities really measure up?
How do UK cities really measure up?
The Tory council has bowed to public pressure and found an extra £5,000 for removing graffiti.
Fresh from closing down Park Ward's swimming pool at Compton Park Activities Centre, Wolverhampton's Labour controlled Council appears to be playing about with the future of Central Baths and other council owned leisure facilities in the City. According to documents seen by the Liberal Democrats the Labour Council is preparing to put the management of leisure facilities in Wolverhampton out to bids under the much discredited Private Finance Initiative (PFI). It has been shown time and time again that PFI bids end up costing taxpayers far more money than conventional finance schemes.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have attacked the Mayor's decision to ignore the recommendation of the Council's Scrutiny Committee and confirm the decision to demolish the garages on Bradgate Road, Bedford without investigating other options.
Nick Clegg has launched his leadership bid urging the Liberal Democrats to be 'bolder', insisting it was time to 'look to the future'. Mr Clegg joins colleague Chris Huhne, who announced his candidacy in London on Wednesday. Birmingham Yardley MP, John Hemming has ruled himself out of the race. Mr Clegg signalled his intention to stand at a launch in his Sheffield constituency this morning, saying: "If the Liberal Democrats are to change the tired old pattern of British politics, we are going to have to be bolder. We are going to have to move out of our comfort zone. We cannot test the patience of the British people any longer. We must now make a long term commitment to British Liberalism. The Liberal Democrats now have the opportunity, once and for all, to break the stifling grip of two-party politics ... and give a voice to the millions of people who don't feel they have a voice in British politics at all."
The Bedford Hospital Trust's Annual Healthcheck 2006/07 from the Healthcare Commission has shown that it has under-achieved in its target for year on year reductions in MRSA levels.