Highway Robbery
Council Tax up again - but £12 million cuts !
Council Tax up again - but £12 million cuts !
Today is close of nominations for both the Borough Council and Parish Council elections in May. The news from the returning officer in Eastleigh is that there will be both contested elections in West End for the Borough Council and for the first time in nearly 15 years for the Parish Council as well.
There are many of the boroughs residents who want to 'do their bit' for the environment but consider the fortnightly refuse collection to be counter productive particularly those with families who struggle to manage.
The local Liberal Democrats are mounting one of their biggest ever campaigns to oust Labour from control of Blackburn with Darwen Council. Liberal Democrat Leader, Cllr David Foster said," We are fielding our strongest ever line up of candidates and we are expecting to make significant gains this year to build on our growth over the past few years.
The US Supreme Court rejected an appeal yesterday from Guantanamo Bay detainees who want to challenge their five-year-long confinement in court, a victory for the Bush administration. Despite the earlier rulings, none of the roughly 385 detainees has yet had a hearing in a civilian court challenging his detention because the administration has moved aggressively to limit the legal rights of prisoners it has labelled as enemy combatants.