Keep the Marsh Special Alliance steps up campaign against Lydd Airport expansion
Protesters fighting airport expansion proposals at Lydd Airport in Kent have stepped up their campaign to stop the development.
Protesters fighting airport expansion proposals at Lydd Airport in Kent have stepped up their campaign to stop the development.
Last year was a big year for Middleton, probably the policy that will affect Middleton more than any other was the policy of devolution. The Townships have been hugely successful and a small return to the old Middleton Council that was abolished in 1974.
The House of Lords is to begin detailed consideration of proposals to introduce tougher mental health laws. The new government bill would allow the enforced detention of people who are mentally ill, even if they have not committed any crime.
A specialist unit for people with dementia opens in York on Monday.
The number of job losses in the NHS will increase in the new year as part of a drive to cut costs, the pressure group Health Emergency has predicted. It estimates that more than 22,000 jobs were lost in 2006 and 2,500 beds closed across the UK.
Dundee LibDems have today (Monday 8th January) backed calls by Liberal Democrat MSP George Lyon that Scotland should not be diverted by talk of independence and instead should look to California as the kind of economy it wants to model itself on.