"Keep out"
THEYDON Bois Youth Centre is to be fenced off by Essex County Council to ward off trespassers.
THEYDON Bois Youth Centre is to be fenced off by Essex County Council to ward off trespassers.
There is so far no firm news about the formal inquiry to be held by a Planning Inspector into Rosebery's appeal against Epsom & Ewell Planning Committee's refusal of their application to build 72 new dwellings accessed from Rosebank on part of the school playing field, known locally as the Cabbage Patch. It is understood that current delays in holding planning inquiries are such that it might be autumn before this one is heard, but on the other hand efforts are being made to reduce delays.
The Government made a pledge at the election to introduce voluntary identity cards. They have broken that pledge by linking passports to ID Cards. The only way in which people will be able to opt out of the system is by giving up their right to travel abroad.
Dundee City Council's Liberal Democrat/Labour administration last night (Monday 13th February) delivered a revenue budget that left the Council Tax increase in the City at just 2.63%
Derbyshire's Labour MPs have been accused of breaking a manifesto commitment by voting to make identity cards compulsory for anybody applying for a passport.
Simon Hughes' green platform Here are Simon Hughes' replies in full to our nine questions, the same questions we have put to all the candidates.