Save the PRH - Update
Recent revelations about the poor state of finances at the local NHS Trust have also pointed to the consultation over possible reductions in services offered at the Princess Royal being a sham.
Recent revelations about the poor state of finances at the local NHS Trust have also pointed to the consultation over possible reductions in services offered at the Princess Royal being a sham.
A major plan to change the future look and layout of the town centre is to go out for public consultation in the new year (2006). Lib Dem campaigner Serena Tierney called a public meeting to give local people the chance to say what's important to them. The council will now consult more widely on proposals which could affect many aspects of the way the town looks and feels.
EPPING Forest District Council's civic ceremonial budget is being increased by £2,000 to allow council chairman Brian Sandler more frequent use of a civic car to take him to and from functions.
The report from the Pensions Commission today announced proposals to raise the state pension age to 68 and to establish a National Pension Savings Scheme, which workers would be automatically enrolled into. The commission`s head Lord Turner said the UK`s pension system currently faced 'significant problems' and that state pensions should rise in line with earnings, not prices. The new national savings scheme will encourage all people to save for a pension at low cost.
Train operator Govia has been given an eight-year franchise to run services across Kent and in parts of Sussex. The franchise includes running domestic Channel Tunnel Rail Link services. Govia, which also runs rail firm Southern, will take over from South Eastern Trains which was set up in 2003 after Connex lost its franchise.
Christine McHugh has launched a campaign to persuade the Mayor to re-think his decision to restrict when and where pensioners can travel with their bus pass.