UN climate talks must lead to real targets
As UN talks in Montreal on climate change reach their final crucial phase, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary Norman Baker MP said:
As UN talks in Montreal on climate change reach their final crucial phase, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary Norman Baker MP said:
Lib Dems on the borough Council have called for an extension of the councils out of hours noise service which is scheduled to be discontinued next summer.
Chelmsford Lib Dems are appalled at the breathtaking lack of vision the Conservative Council has shown in its long-awaited and flawed plans for forcing 14,000 plus new houses in Chelmsford. Having thrown out the Lib Dem idea of a separate, sustainable village site clear of the urban area - with its own services and transport infrastructure, they plan to simply concrete over large areas of the green fields round the town in an ever-sprawling growth.
The Liberal Democrats congratulate David Cameron on his election as the new Tory leader, but there are a whole string of reasons to believe he will not bring electoral success to the Conservative Party.
The election of David Cameron as the new leader of the Conservative Party marks the end of the leadership of Folkestone and Hythe MP Michael Howard. Commenting, Simon Hughes MP, Liberal Democrat President, said:
Hazel Watson, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council, has called for the Council to reduce the level of mineral extraction in the County over the next decade. The County Council's Conservative Executive has determined that the level of minerals extraction should be set at 2.24 million tonnes annually. The Liberal Democrats believe that this is too high.