SCOTLAND: Scots urged to recycle Christmas cards
Environment Minister Ross Finnie today encouraged Scots to recycle their Christmas cards to reduce waste and rejuvenate Scotland's forests.
Environment Minister Ross Finnie today encouraged Scots to recycle their Christmas cards to reduce waste and rejuvenate Scotland's forests.
New targets to stem the growth of packaging waste in Scotland come into effect today and will mean that companies who manufacture or use packaging materials will have to recover or recycle 70 per cent by 2008.
Peter Carroll and the Shepway Lib Dem team would like to thank local residents for the support we have received in a fantastic year for the Lib Dems both locally and nationally. We wish all residents and visitors to this site a very happy 2004.
A consultation on the Executive's proposals to put environmental concerns at the heart of public policy and programmes was launched today.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced on the 10th of December a £340 million increase in this year's provisional grant for county councils, of which Surrey's share is £7.3 million, according to the Council's figures. The Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council, Cllr Janet Maines says: "This is good news for Surrey residents who have been hit hard by Conservative Council Tax rises. The Liberal Democrats will put pressure on the Conservative Administration on Surrey County Council to use this money to keep Council Tax as low as possible, while making sure local services are protected. The Liberal Democrats have also recommended to the Conservative administration that they should put some funding into preventative measures that would keep the budget under control for future years."
The Aviation White Paper launched today has seen the Government adopt several long-standing Liberal Democrat policies on the future of air travel in the UK. A motion at The Liberal Democrat Party Conference in 2002 called for the following measures that appear in today's white paper.