Englefield Green County By-election result
Turnout 16.2% (2005 48.9%)
Turnout 16.2% (2005 48.9%)
Leading local Liberal Democrat Cllr Philip Goldenberg has welcomed the re-opening by South-West Trains of the Travel Centre at Woking station.
Mid Sussex Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman Serena Tierney has slammed Conservative performance over the Area Action Plan (AAP). Ms Tierney told local Lib Dems that the recent Tory draft AAP was 'insulting' to the people of East Grinstead' and promised 'a better way' from the Lib Dems.
When is recycling not recycling?
The Tory County Council are hailing it a great success that just over 3% (3.18%) of our schools are excellent. Yet still the results across the county are struggling to meet the potential that the county has within it.
Today, Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable MP will challenge the Chancellor to justify his recent commitment to increase reconstruction aid to Iraq, during the Queen's speech debate. His challenge follows news of Iraq's decision to divert over $20bn of its own oil revenues into additional 'reparations' payouts to oil rich Gulf states and to companies which suffered 'loss of business' during the first Gulf war.