Lib Dems Fight Gagging to Release Reserves

Liberal Democrats on Bedford Borough Council were effectively gagged when they attempted to propose a change to the council's spending policy. The only way they were able to challenge the build up of council reserves was by raising a petition.

15 May 2002

Bedford Borough Election 2002 - Results

Yesterday's elections in Bedford Borough saw the Lib Dems move into second place in votes across the whole Borough. This makes the Lib Dems the key challengers for the Mayoral Election in October.

3 May 2002

Website scoops Gold Web Award has received an award for web design and the site as a whole - confirming the sites status as one of the best political sites around.

9 Apr 2002

Lib Dems Go For Control

Bedford Borough Lib Dems have announced a full slate of candidates in their bid to take the lead on the Borough Council away from the Labour Group.

8 Apr 2002

Statement on Ralph Hall

Liberal Democrat Borough Group Leader Michael Headley has said that he is suprised that Ralph Hall has decided to leave the Liberal Democrats and join the Conservatives.

6 Apr 2002

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