Lib Dems Campaign to Save Aldershot Road Allotments
Councillor Fiona White, Lib Dem Group Leader (Guildford Borough Council) wrote to the Surrey Advertiser concerning the Aldershot Road Allotments on the 18th March 2007.
Councillor Fiona White, Lib Dem Group Leader (Guildford Borough Council) wrote to the Surrey Advertiser concerning the Aldershot Road Allotments on the 18th March 2007.
A new working group, which includes our chair Ed Featherstone, has been set up to produce a consultation paper for Autumn Federal Conference. (You will shortly have the opportunity to give your comments.) The remit says, "Much has happened in Europe since the party last reviewed policy in 'The Future of Europe' (policy paper 56) in 2003: there has been a substantial enlargement of the European Union, significant uncertainty about its institutional arrangements following signature of the constitutional treaty and growing challenges (such as climate change, globalisation, migration, criminality and human rights abuses) in many of the policy areas in which the EU operates.
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Sunday 18th March) highlighted the Scottish LibDem campaign poster - "SNP's Road to Nowhere" - launched by Tavish Scott MSP today.
The Tories have set a Brentwood Council Tax rise of 4%. Essex County Council, the Police and the Fire Service have already all set their rates for 2007/8.
Following reports that more homes could have their weekly bin collections scrapped to encourage recycling, new figures compiled by the Liberal Democrats show that there has been a massive growth in the amount of recycled material being sent to China from the UK since 1997. Over the last year alone, 1,900,000 tonnes of plastics, paper, card and metals were exported. Reports suggest that many of these materials are ending up in illegal waste dumps, despite the fact that many of them include lead, which can enter water supplies and the food chain, causing damage to animal and human health.
Dundee Liberal Democrats today (Saturday 17th March) slammed the SNP 'spin machine' for claiming the conversion of Sir George Mathewson, former Royal Bank of Scotland chairman, to their cause when, in fact, he had been a known SNP supporter 30 years ago.