Council Chairman bows out
DISTRICT council chairman Ann Haigh bowed out after her year in office by revealing that her three chosen causes would be sharing over £17,000.
DISTRICT council chairman Ann Haigh bowed out after her year in office by revealing that her three chosen causes would be sharing over £17,000.
Local Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron has hit out at the government's disgraceful tax credit record after the government published records showing they made mistakes on almost half of his constituents' claims.
On Monday Tim will be attending the All Party Parliamentary Dairy Farming Group meeting, to discuss milk prices and farmer and other issues relating to the dairy industry.
Following their success at the recent Chelmsford Borough Council elections, where they made a net gain of five seats, the Liberal Democrats have announced their new team. Cllr. Mike Mackrory was elected Lib Dem Group Leader and therefore becomes Leader of the Opposition with Cllr. Chris Rycroft as Deputy. The Group also elected their Shadow Cabinet members.
Lib Dems on Bedford Borough Council have slammed the proposed Riverside Square development in Bedford and welcomed its rejection by the Council's Planning Committee last night.
Employers feel the politically correct language of disability can be a barrier to employing more disabled people, a survey suggests. Remploy, an employment services provider for disabled people, said most of the 400 employers polled believed in working towards a diverse workforce. But some complained a lack of understanding of the terms to use when describing disabilities put them off.