Tom Gordon MP challenges Labour Government on careless approach to local government reorganisation
Tom has criticised the Labour Government for imposing new housing targets on North Yorkshire Council, ignoring an agreement
Tom has criticised the Labour Government for imposing new housing targets on North Yorkshire Council, ignoring an agreement
Thomas was born in Petersfield and has had a strong connection to the local area from a young age, first becoming politically engaged locally at 16 helping to work for a fair deal for people in Petersfield and the Hangers.
Devon’s Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament have united in an urgent call to the Department for Health and Social Care to address the mounting challenges faced by NHS primary care in the region
Edinburgh West MP Christine Jardine has joined calls for new employment laws to include bereavement leave for those who miscarry during pregnancy, following the publication of a new report from the Women and Equalities Committee.
At Prime Minister’s Questions today, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey urged the Prime Minister to create a new visa route so that highly-skilled Americans seeking to flee the Trump presidency can “bring their money and their skills” to the UK.
Local MP Lisa Smart directly challenged Government Minister Andrew Western over the inequalities in adoption pay which leave self-employed people without the same support that biological parents or employed people get.