Scot Lib Dems reveal Scotland’s worst speeding offences
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has urged the Scottish Government to increase efforts to tackle antisocial driving as he revealed Scotland’s worst speeding offences.
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has urged the Scottish Government to increase efforts to tackle antisocial driving as he revealed Scotland’s worst speeding offences.
Newcastle and Gateshead opposition leaders have issued a joint statement challenging the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to take urgent action to prevent growing chaos crossing the Tyne
Haringey has been forced to go cap-in-hand to the government to apply for approval for the “Exceptional Financial Support” scheme in advance of setting next year's budget in March.
Adam Dance, MP for Yeovil, has welcomed positive updates regarding Leonardo’s bid for the New Medium Helicopter (NMH) programme, following recent Parliamentary Questions and discussions with Government ministers.
Two Liberal Democrat appointments to the House of Lords have been announced today.